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Are you a Procrastinator?

Procrastination is a voluntary act to delay what can be done today by putting it off until tomorrow. For some that seems to not be a big deal. What difference will a day make anyway?

For a procrastinator, a day often turns into weeks, then months and sometimes even years. And the more time goes by, the more we find reasons, or more like excuses, to continue to put off or just forget about it.

And then regret sets in, you begin to self-loathe and put it off on others to live vicariously through them. But your assignment in life is yours to achieve.

Procrastination may seem like a light issue to have, but it is a huge sacrifice of life to allow it to consume you. Biblically, it is sinful to procrastinate.


Time can be considered a "holy" thing. Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

This God-given life that we have, can't be wasted. Life is short. Time is precious. To waste it, to squander it through slothfulness - laziness, procrastination, task avoidance, amotivation, desultory (lack of planning) or dilatory (slow to act) behavior - is a sin against life itself.

"The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor."


  • The Performer - Overachiever, Perfectionist, "everything must be perfect before it can be done, that it never gets done."

  • The Self-Loather - "I'm a failure," "I am not like them," "What if it is not liked," "I wish I would've done this a long time ago, it's too late now," "I always start things but don't finish it, I give up", "maybe it's not for me to do"

  • The Overbooker - Always saying "yes" to task, lacks boundaries, appearing busy but not productive, too much on your schedule that you can't do the main thing, doing more for others than yourself.

  • The Novelty Seeker - "Everything I see others do, I want to do," "I can do that too," "I get a nice idea, get excited, I get it started, tell others but drop the ball on completion," "I get bored with a project"


  • Uncertain goals

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Afraid of failure

  • Easily bored

  • Not completing projects/tasks

  • Having negative beliefs

  • Lack of concentration


  1. Forgive yourself for procrastinating

  2. Commit to one task at a time

  3. Promise yourself reward

  4. Set short-term goals

  5. Be accountable - ask someone to check up on your progress

  6. Minimize distractions

  7. Change your environment for better focus

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