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Good people don't always make good spouses

Being a good person is not what qualifies us to be a good spouse. We must learn the art/ministry of a spouse through Biblical teaching. Just as a person who wants to be a nurse or a doctor requires more than just being a caring person to fulfill the assignment of a healthcare worker. That person must be willing to learn the profession by being educated through books, tests and hands-on clinical practice. Even after years in the profession, they attend workshops & conferences to stay relevant in the profession. A lawyer spend years learning. They study cases and present themselves before others to prove they are the best. The more cases they win, the more valuable they are to be chosen. Marriage is not a "profession" but it does require more than just a love for it to make it work. It requires learning, studying your spouse, maybe a workshop or conference and definitely the Word of God and prayer to sustain years of development and covenant relationship.

Just sharing a journal prompt with you. Marriage isn't easy but I thought if I was a good person, it would automatically be self sustained. After 20 years on this journey, I've discovered that it takes being more than a good person. Shoot, being in this marriage showed me I wasn't as good as I thought I was lol 😂.

Be encouraged in knowing that God's grace is sufficient for you in your relationship. And even if it fails, God is loving you through the pain of loss and you are His, good or bad, He will never leave you


Father I pray for the person that is reading this now and needs to know that your grace is sufficient for them and there is no failure in You. Encourage their heart to know that even though they are doing their very best and still things are not going well in their relationship, that you are with them. Give them peace and the love they need to navigate through this tough season. And even if things do not turn out in their favor that you will never leave them nor forsake them. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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