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Balance + High Achieving

Recently, I attended a leadership conference and one of the sessions were named "The High Octane (Married) Woman" led by author and speaker, Nona Jones. When I tell you, she gave so much practical information to empower women to achieve but also balance your life and home. I am stirred up by this session. Oftentimes in this society, we hear a lot of chatter about high achieving, successful women and men who are making waves in the marketplace but failing in the home or not even creating a home because they feel you can't have a successful life with the responsibility of a home life.

I have been wearing a lot of hats lately and it is not until I list them all that I'm like, "whoa, how have I been able to manage it all?" I read the book Balance by Pastor Toure Roberts and he talks about balance being a spiritual place within a spiritual dimension. Sounds mystical, right? But what he is saying is that finding balance "requires spiritual means and insights." When we are stretched in our purpose in life, it requires another level of connection spiritually to continue in the flow of achieving.

I can always tell when I am out of balance because there is this overwhelming of negative emotions, trouble having good sleep, body out of whack, eating bad things, lack of prayer and reading or just simply not feeling like myself. When that happens, it's time to:

  1. Reevaluate your life - Write down all of the things that are on your "plate". No matter what it is, even if it is simply, to do laundry. Try to think of everything! Separate your daily from your long-term or short-term assignments.

  2. Once everything is written - on your daily checklist pick out the most immediate need to do. Ask and answer yourself, "Do I have to do everything on this list myself or can I delegate it?" Next, put a date on what can be done later and focus on the now.

  3. For the assignments, volunteering op or things you lead, narrow it down to being committed to 3 things at a time. This will be difficult for those that are high achievers because we feel we can do it all because we do it effortlessly. But when it is at the expense of our health, self-care, and family, it requires a deep pause to consider what's lacking. I myself, have had to resign from leadership teams and pull back from committees and say no to offers because it didn't fit in to my "balance plan" for that moment.

Doing these 3 areas, allowed me to relax, focus on myself and my home. It keeps down burn out, it allows for fun to be incorporated in your life, it protects your mental health, and even allows for some much needed TLC in your home, even if you are single. For us women, it keeps us soft and keeps us open to love and be loved.

May is mental health awareness month so let's be self-aware to balance ourselves and achieve without burn out in this hectic world that we live in. Cheers to balance!

Do you have trouble balancing your life? How do you balance your life? I'd love to hear from you, COMMENT below!

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